NetBSD Problem Report #50112
From Sat Aug 1 15:09:14 2015
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Date: Sat, 1 Aug 2015 15:09:09 +0000 (UTC)
Subject: GCC is broken on NetBSD/Alpha Current,7-0-RC2,7-0-RC1
X-Send-Pr-Version: www-1.0
>Number: 50112
>Category: toolchain
>Synopsis: GCC is broken on NetBSD/Alpha Current,7-0-RC2,7-0-RC1
>Confidential: no
>Severity: critical
>Priority: high
>Responsible: toolchain-manager
>State: closed
>Class: sw-bug
>Submitter-Id: net
>Arrival-Date: Sat Aug 01 15:10:00 +0000 2015
>Closed-Date: Sat Aug 01 22:15:43 +0000 2015
>Last-Modified: Sun Aug 02 00:15:01 +0000 2015
>Originator: nullnilaki
>Release: NetBSD/Alpha Current,7-0-RC2,7-0-RC1
NetBSD 7.99.20 NetBSD 7.99.20 (GENERIC-$Revision: 1.364 $) #1: Sat Aug 1 12:15:01 UTC 2015 naruaki@:/usr/obj.alpha/sys/arch/alpha/compile/GENERIC alpha
I compile this code.
(See Himeno benchmark
This benchmark test program is measuring a cpu performance
of floating point operation by a Poisson equation solver.
If you have any question, please ask me via email.
written by Ryutaro HIMENO, November 26, 2001.
Version 3.0
Ryutaro Himeno, Dr. of Eng.
Head of Computer Information Division,
RIKEN (The Institute of Pysical and Chemical Research)
Email :
You can adjust the size of this benchmark code to fit your target
computer. In that case, please chose following sets of
small : 33,33,65
small : 65,65,129
midium: 129,129,257
large : 257,257,513
ext.large: 513,513,1025
This program is to measure a computer performance in MFLOPS
by using a kernel which appears in a linear solver of pressure
Poisson eq. which appears in an incompressible Navier-Stokes solver.
A point-Jacobi method is employed in this solver as this method can
be easyly vectrized and be parallelized.
Finite-difference method, curvilinear coodinate system
Vectorizable and parallelizable on each grid point
No. of grid points : imax x jmax x kmax including boundaries
A,B,C:coefficient matrix, wrk1: source term of Poisson equation
wrk2 : working area, OMEGA : relaxation parameter
BND:control variable for boundaries and objects ( = 0 or 1)
P: pressure
#include <stdio.h>
#define MIMAX 65
#define MJMAX 65
#define MKMAX 129
double second();
float jacobi();
void initmt();
double fflop(int,int,int);
double mflops(int,double,double);
static float p[MIMAX][MJMAX][MKMAX];
static float a[4][MIMAX][MJMAX][MKMAX],
static float bnd[MIMAX][MJMAX][MKMAX];
static float wrk1[MIMAX][MJMAX][MKMAX],
static int imax, jmax, kmax;
static float omega;
int i,j,k,nn;
float gosa;
double cpu,cpu0,cpu1,flop,target;
target= 60.0;
omega= 0.8;
imax = MIMAX-1;
jmax = MJMAX-1;
kmax = MKMAX-1;
* Initializing matrixes
printf("mimax = %d mjmax = %d mkmax = %d\n",MIMAX, MJMAX, MKMAX);
printf("imax = %d jmax = %d kmax =%d\n",imax,jmax,kmax);
nn= 3;
printf(" Start rehearsal measurement process.\n");
printf(" Measure the performance in %d times.\n\n",nn);
cpu0= second();
gosa= jacobi(nn);
cpu1= second();
cpu= cpu1 - cpu0;
flop= fflop(imax,jmax,kmax);
printf(" MFLOPS: %f time(s): %f %e\n\n",
nn= (int)(target/(cpu/3.0));
printf(" Now, start the actual measurement process.\n");
printf(" The loop will be excuted in %d times\n",nn);
printf(" This will take about one minute.\n");
printf(" Wait for a while\n\n");
* Start measuring
cpu0 = second();
gosa = jacobi(nn);
cpu1 = second();
cpu= cpu1 - cpu0;
printf(" Loop executed for %d times\n",nn);
printf(" Gosa : %e \n",gosa);
printf(" MFLOPS measured : %f\tcpu : %f\n",mflops(nn,cpu,flop),cpu);
printf(" Score based on Pentium III 600MHz : %f\n",
return (0);
int i,j,k;
for(i=0 ; i<MIMAX ; i++)
for(j=0 ; j<MJMAX ; j++)
for(k=0 ; k<MKMAX ; k++){
for(i=0 ; i<imax ; i++)
for(j=0 ; j<jmax ; j++)
for(k=0 ; k<kmax ; k++){
jacobi(int nn)
int i,j,k,n;
float gosa, s0, ss;
for(n=0 ; n<nn ; ++n){
gosa = 0.0;
for(i=1 ; i<imax-1 ; i++)
for(j=1 ; j<jmax-1 ; j++)
for(k=1 ; k<kmax-1 ; k++){
s0 = a[0][i][j][k] * p[i+1][j ][k ]
+ a[1][i][j][k] * p[i ][j+1][k ]
+ a[2][i][j][k] * p[i ][j ][k+1]
+ b[0][i][j][k] * ( p[i+1][j+1][k ] - p[i+1][j-1][k ]
- p[i-1][j+1][k ] + p[i-1][j-1][k ] )
+ b[1][i][j][k] * ( p[i ][j+1][k+1] - p[i ][j-1][k+1]
- p[i ][j+1][k-1] + p[i ][j-1][k-1] )
+ b[2][i][j][k] * ( p[i+1][j ][k+1] - p[i-1][j ][k+1]
- p[i+1][j ][k-1] + p[i-1][j ][k-1] )
+ c[0][i][j][k] * p[i-1][j ][k ]
+ c[1][i][j][k] * p[i ][j-1][k ]
+ c[2][i][j][k] * p[i ][j ][k-1]
+ wrk1[i][j][k];
ss = ( s0 * a[3][i][j][k] - p[i][j][k] ) * bnd[i][j][k];
gosa+= ss*ss;
/* gosa= (gosa > ss*ss) ? a : b; */
wrk2[i][j][k] = p[i][j][k] + omega * ss;
for(i=1 ; i<imax-1 ; ++i)
for(j=1 ; j<jmax-1 ; ++j)
for(k=1 ; k<kmax-1 ; ++k)
p[i][j][k] = wrk2[i][j][k];
} /* end n loop */
fflop(int mx,int my, int mz)
mflops(int nn,double cpu,double flop)
#include <sys/time.h>
struct timeval tm;
double t ;
static int base_sec = 0,base_usec = 0;
gettimeofday(&tm, NULL);
if(base_sec == 0 && base_usec == 0)
base_sec = tm.tv_sec;
base_usec = tm.tv_usec;
t = 0.0;
} else {
t = (double) (tm.tv_sec-base_sec) +
((double) (tm.tv_usec-base_usec))/1.0e6 ;
return t ;
This is the result on NetBSD/Alpha Current,7-0-RC2,7-0-RC1.
MFLOPS measured : 0.000000 is wrong.
# uname -a
NetBSD 7.99.20 NetBSD 7.99.20 (GENERIC-$Revision: 1.364 $) #1: Sat Aug 1 12:15:01 UTC 2015 naruaki@:/usr/obj.alpha/sys/arch/alpha/compile/GENERIC alpha
# gcc -v
Using built-in specs.
Target: alpha--netbsd
Configured with: /usr/src/tools/gcc/../../external/gpl3/gcc/dist/configure --target=alpha--netbsd --enable-long-long --enable-threads --with-bugurl= --with-pkgversion='NetBSD nb2 20150115' --with-system-zlib --enable-__cxa_atexit --enable-libstdcxx-threads --enable-libstdcxx-time=rt --enable-lto --with-mpc-lib=/var/obj/mknative/alpha/usr/src/external/lgpl3/mpc/lib/libmpc --with-mpfr-lib=/var/obj/mknative/alpha/usr/src/external/lgpl3/mpfr/lib/libmpfr --with-gmp-lib=/var/obj/mknative/alpha/usr/src/external/lgpl3/gmp/lib/libgmp --with-mpc-include=/usr/src/external/lgpl3/mpc/dist/src --with-mpfr-include=/usr/src/external/lgpl3/mpfr/dist/src --with-gmp-include=/usr/src/external/lgpl3/gmp/lib/libgmp/arch/alpha --enable-tls --disable-multilib --disable-symvers --disable-libstdcxx-pch --build=x86_64-unknown-netbsd6.0. --host=alpha--netbsd --with-sysroot=/var/obj/mknative/alpha/usr/src/destdir.alpha
Thread model: posix
gcc version 4.8.5 (nb2 20150115)
# gcc benchmark.c -o benchmark
# ./benchmark
mimax = 65 mjmax = 65 mkmax = 129
imax = 64 jmax = 64 kmax =128
Start rehearsal measurement process.
Measure the performance in 3 times.
MFLOPS: 0.000000 time(s): 4294967296.822944 3.288628e-03
Now, start the actual measurement process.
The loop will be excuted in 0 times
This will take about one minute.
Wait for a while
Loop executed for 0 times
Gosa : 1.396971e-309
MFLOPS measured : 0.000000 cpu : 0.000002
Score based on Pentium III 600MHz : 0.000000
This is the result on Tru64 UNIX.
MFLOPS measured : 60.943671 is good.
s15> uname -a
OSF1 ds15 V5.1 2650 alpha
ds15> /usr/users/naruaki/gcc/local/gcc4/bin/gcc -v
Using built-in specs.
Target: alpha-dec-osf5.1b
Configured with: ../gcc-4.2.3/configure --prefix=/usr/local/gcc4 --enable-languages=c,c++ --enable-threads=posix --disable-nls --host=alpha-dec-osf5.1b --without-gnu-ld --with-ld=/usr/ccs/bin/ld --without-gnu-as --with-as=/usr/bin/as --disable-libssp
Thread model: posix
gcc version 4.2.3
ds15> /usr/users/naruaki/gcc/local/gcc4/bin/gcc benchmark.c -o benchmark
ds15> ./benchmark
mimax = 65 mjmax = 65 mkmax = 129
imax = 64 jmax = 64 kmax =128
Start rehearsal measurement process.
Measure the performance in 3 times.
MFLOPS: 60.657997 time(s): 0.814453 3.288628e-03
Now, start the actual measurement process.
The loop will be excuted in 221 times
This will take about one minute.
Wait for a while
Loop executed for 221 times
Gosa : 1.604803e-03
MFLOPS measured : 60.943671 cpu : 59.716797
Score based on Pentium III 600MHz : 0.743215
I compile(gcc -S) the code on Tru64 UNIX.
ds15> uname -a
OSF1 ds15 V5.1 2650 alpha
ds15> /usr/users/naruaki/gcc/local/gcc4/bin/gcc -S benchmark.c
ds15> more benchmark.s
.file 1 "benchmark.c"
.verstamp 3 11
.set noreorder
.set volatile
.set noat
.arch ev4
.ascii "mimax = %d mjmax = %d mkmax = %d\12\0"
.ascii "imax = %d jmax = %d kmax =%d\12\0"
.ascii " Start rehearsal measurement process.\0"
.ascii " Measure the performance in %d times.\12\12\0"
.ascii " MFLOPS: %f time(s): %f %e\12\12\0"
.ascii " Now, start the actual measurement process.\0"
.ascii " The loop will be excuted in %d times\12\0"
.ascii " This will take about one minute.\0"
.ascii " Wait for a while\12\0"
.ascii " Loop executed for %d times\12\0"
.ascii " Gosa : %e \12\0"
.ascii " MFLOPS measured : %f\11cpu : %f\12\0"
.ascii " Score based on Pentium III 600MHz : %f\12\0"
.align 3
.long 0
.long 1078853632
.align 2
.long 1061997773
.align 3
.long 0
.long 1074266112
.align 3
.long 0
.long 1079279616
.align 2
.globl main
.ent main
.frame $15,96,$26,0
.mask 0x4008000,-96
ldgp $29,0($27)
lda $30,-96($30)
stq $26,0($30)
stq $15,8($30)
bis $31,$30,$15
.prologue 1
lda $1,$LC0
ldt $f10,0($1)
stt $f10,16($15)
lda $2,omega
lda $1,$LC1
lds $f10,0($1)
sts $f10,0($2)
lda $2,imax
lda $1,64($31)
stl $1,0($2)
lda $2,jmax
lda $1,64($31)
stl $1,0($2)
lda $2,kmax
lda $1,128($31)
stl $1,0($2)
jsr $26,initmt
ldgp $29,0($26)
lda $16,$LC2
lda $17,65($31)
lda $18,65($31)
lda $19,129($31)
jsr $26,printf
ldgp $29,0($26)
lda $1,imax
ldl $3,0($1)
lda $1,jmax
ldl $2,0($1)
lda $1,kmax
ldl $1,0($1)
lda $16,$LC3
bis $31,$3,$17
bis $31,$2,$18
bis $31,$1,$19
jsr $26,printf
ldgp $29,0($26)
lda $1,3($31)
stl $1,60($15)
lda $16,$LC4
jsr $26,puts
ldgp $29,0($26)
ldl $1,60($15)
lda $16,$LC5
bis $31,$1,$17
jsr $26,printf
ldgp $29,0($26)
jsr $26,second
ldgp $29,0($26)
cpys $f0,$f0,$f10
stt $f10,40($15)
ldl $1,60($15)
bis $31,$1,$16
jsr $26,jacobi
ldgp $29,0($26)
cpys $f0,$f0,$f10
sts $f10,56($15)
jsr $26,second
ldgp $29,0($26)
cpys $f0,$f0,$f10
stt $f10,32($15)
ldt $f11,32($15)
ldt $f10,40($15)
subt $f11,$f10,$f10
stt $f10,48($15)
lda $1,imax
ldl $2,0($1)
lda $1,jmax
ldl $3,0($1)
lda $1,kmax
ldl $1,0($1)
bis $31,$2,$16
bis $31,$3,$17
bis $31,$1,$18
jsr $26,fflop
ldgp $29,0($26)
cpys $f0,$f0,$f10
stt $f10,24($15)
ldl $1,60($15)
bis $31,$1,$16
ldt $f17,48($15)
ldt $f18,24($15)
jsr $26,mflops
ldgp $29,0($26)
cpys $f0,$f0,$f10
lds $f11,56($15)
lda $16,$LC6
cpys $f10,$f10,$f17
ldt $f18,48($15)
cpys $f11,$f11,$f19
jsr $26,printf
ldgp $29,0($26)
ldt $f11,48($15)
lda $1,$LC7
ldt $f10,0($1)
divt $f11,$f10,$f11
ldt $f10,16($15)
divt $f10,$f11,$f10
cvttqc $f10,$f10
stt $f10,80($15)
ldq $1,80($15)
stl $1,60($15)
lda $16,$LC8
jsr $26,puts
ldgp $29,0($26)
ldl $1,60($15)
lda $16,$LC9
bis $31,$1,$17
jsr $26,printf
ldgp $29,0($26)
lda $16,$LC10
jsr $26,puts
ldgp $29,0($26)
lda $16,$LC11
jsr $26,puts
ldgp $29,0($26)
jsr $26,second
ldgp $29,0($26)
cpys $f0,$f0,$f10
stt $f10,40($15)
ldl $1,60($15)
bis $31,$1,$16
jsr $26,jacobi
ldgp $29,0($26)
cpys $f0,$f0,$f10
sts $f10,56($15)
jsr $26,second
ldgp $29,0($26)
cpys $f0,$f0,$f10
stt $f10,32($15)
ldt $f11,32($15)
ldt $f10,40($15)
subt $f11,$f10,$f10
stt $f10,48($15)
ldl $1,60($15)
lda $16,$LC12
bis $31,$1,$17
jsr $26,printf
ldgp $29,0($26)
lds $f10,56($15)
lda $16,$LC13
cpys $f10,$f10,$f17
jsr $26,printf
ldgp $29,0($26)
ldl $1,60($15)
bis $31,$1,$16
ldt $f17,48($15)
ldt $f18,24($15)
jsr $26,mflops
ldgp $29,0($26)
cpys $f0,$f0,$f10
lda $16,$LC14
cpys $f10,$f10,$f17
ldt $f18,48($15)
jsr $26,printf
ldgp $29,0($26)
ldl $1,60($15)
bis $31,$1,$16
ldt $f17,48($15)
ldt $f18,24($15)
jsr $26,mflops
ldgp $29,0($26)
cpys $f0,$f0,$f11
lda $1,$LC15
ldt $f10,0($1)
divt $f11,$f10,$f10
lda $16,$LC16
cpys $f10,$f10,$f17
lda $18,84($31)
jsr $26,printf
ldgp $29,0($26)
bis $31,$31,$1
bis $31,$1,$0
bis $31,$15,$30
ldq $26,0($30)
ldq $15,8($30)
lda $30,96($30)
ret $31,($26),1
.end main
.align 2
.long 1065353216
.align 2
.long 1042983595
.align 2
.globl initmt
.ent initmt
.frame $15,48,$26,0
.mask 0x4008000,-48
ldgp $29,0($27)
lda $30,-48($30)
stq $26,0($30)
stq $15,8($30)
bis $31,$30,$15
.prologue 1
stl $31,24($15)
br $31,$L4
stl $31,20($15)
br $31,$L6
stl $31,16($15)
br $31,$L8
ldl $3,24($15)
ldl $4,20($15)
ldl $5,16($15)
lda $6,a
bis $31,$3,$1
sll $1,6,$2
addq $2,$3,$2
sll $2,7,$1
addq $2,$1,$2
bis $31,$4,$1
sll $1,7,$1
addq $1,$4,$1
addq $2,$1,$1
addq $1,$5,$1
s4addq $1,0,$1
addq $1,$6,$1
sts $f31,0($1)
ldl $3,24($15)
ldl $4,20($15)
ldl $5,16($15)
lda $6,a
bis $31,$3,$1
sll $1,6,$2
addq $2,$3,$2
sll $2,7,$1
addq $2,$1,$2
bis $31,$4,$1
sll $1,7,$1
addq $1,$4,$1
addq $2,$1,$1
addq $1,$5,$1
s4addq $1,0,$1
addq $1,$6,$2
ldah $1,33($31)
lda $1,17412($1)
addq $2,$1,$1
sts $f31,0($1)
ldl $3,24($15)
ldl $4,20($15)
ldl $5,16($15)
lda $6,a
bis $31,$3,$1
sll $1,6,$2
addq $2,$3,$2
sll $2,7,$1
addq $2,$1,$2
bis $31,$4,$1
sll $1,7,$1
addq $1,$4,$1
addq $2,$1,$1
addq $1,$5,$1
s4addq $1,0,$1
addq $1,$6,$2
ldah $1,67($31)
lda $1,-30712($1)
addq $2,$1,$1
sts $f31,0($1)
ldl $3,24($15)
ldl $4,20($15)
ldl $5,16($15)
lda $6,a
bis $31,$3,$1
sll $1,6,$2
addq $2,$3,$2
sll $2,7,$1
addq $2,$1,$2
bis $31,$4,$1
sll $1,7,$1
addq $1,$4,$1
addq $2,$1,$1
addq $1,$5,$1
s4addq $1,0,$1
addq $1,$6,$2
ldah $1,100($31)
lda $1,-13300($1)
addq $2,$1,$1
sts $f31,0($1)
ldl $3,24($15)
ldl $4,20($15)
ldl $5,16($15)
lda $6,b
bis $31,$3,$1
sll $1,6,$2
addq $2,$3,$2
sll $2,7,$1
addq $2,$1,$2
bis $31,$4,$1
sll $1,7,$1
addq $1,$4,$1
addq $2,$1,$1
addq $1,$5,$1
s4addq $1,0,$1
addq $1,$6,$1
sts $f31,0($1)
ldl $3,24($15)
ldl $4,20($15)
ldl $5,16($15)
lda $6,b
bis $31,$3,$1
sll $1,6,$2
addq $2,$3,$2
sll $2,7,$1
addq $2,$1,$2
bis $31,$4,$1
sll $1,7,$1
addq $1,$4,$1
addq $2,$1,$1
addq $1,$5,$1
s4addq $1,0,$1
addq $1,$6,$2
ldah $1,33($31)
lda $1,17412($1)
addq $2,$1,$1
sts $f31,0($1)
ldl $3,24($15)
ldl $4,20($15)
ldl $5,16($15)
lda $6,b
bis $31,$3,$1
sll $1,6,$2
addq $2,$3,$2
sll $2,7,$1
addq $2,$1,$2
bis $31,$4,$1
sll $1,7,$1
addq $1,$4,$1
addq $2,$1,$1
addq $1,$5,$1
s4addq $1,0,$1
addq $1,$6,$2
ldah $1,67($31)
lda $1,-30712($1)
addq $2,$1,$1
sts $f31,0($1)
ldl $3,24($15)
ldl $4,20($15)
ldl $5,16($15)
lda $6,c
bis $31,$3,$1
sll $1,6,$2
addq $2,$3,$2
sll $2,7,$1
addq $2,$1,$2
bis $31,$4,$1
sll $1,7,$1
addq $1,$4,$1
addq $2,$1,$1
addq $1,$5,$1
s4addq $1,0,$1
addq $1,$6,$1
sts $f31,0($1)
ldl $3,24($15)
ldl $4,20($15)
ldl $5,16($15)
lda $6,c
bis $31,$3,$1
sll $1,6,$2
addq $2,$3,$2
sll $2,7,$1
addq $2,$1,$2
bis $31,$4,$1
sll $1,7,$1
addq $1,$4,$1
addq $2,$1,$1
addq $1,$5,$1
s4addq $1,0,$1
addq $1,$6,$2
ldah $1,33($31)
lda $1,17412($1)
addq $2,$1,$1
sts $f31,0($1)
ldl $3,24($15)
ldl $4,20($15)
ldl $5,16($15)
lda $6,c
bis $31,$3,$1
sll $1,6,$2
addq $2,$3,$2
sll $2,7,$1
addq $2,$1,$2
bis $31,$4,$1
sll $1,7,$1
addq $1,$4,$1
addq $2,$1,$1
addq $1,$5,$1
s4addq $1,0,$1
addq $1,$6,$2
ldah $1,67($31)
lda $1,-30712($1)
addq $2,$1,$1
sts $f31,0($1)
ldl $3,24($15)
ldl $4,20($15)
ldl $5,16($15)
lda $6,p
bis $31,$3,$1
sll $1,6,$2
addq $2,$3,$2
sll $2,7,$1
addq $2,$1,$2
bis $31,$4,$1
sll $1,7,$1
addq $1,$4,$1
addq $2,$1,$1
addq $1,$5,$1
s4addq $1,0,$1
addq $1,$6,$1
sts $f31,0($1)
ldl $3,24($15)
ldl $4,20($15)
ldl $5,16($15)
lda $6,wrk1
bis $31,$3,$1
sll $1,6,$2
addq $2,$3,$2
sll $2,7,$1
addq $2,$1,$2
bis $31,$4,$1
sll $1,7,$1
addq $1,$4,$1
addq $2,$1,$1
addq $1,$5,$1
s4addq $1,0,$1
addq $1,$6,$1
sts $f31,0($1)
ldl $3,24($15)
ldl $4,20($15)
ldl $5,16($15)
lda $6,bnd
bis $31,$3,$1
sll $1,6,$2
addq $2,$3,$2
sll $2,7,$1
addq $2,$1,$2
bis $31,$4,$1
sll $1,7,$1
addq $1,$4,$1
addq $2,$1,$1
addq $1,$5,$1
s4addq $1,0,$1
addq $1,$6,$1
sts $f31,0($1)
ldl $1,16($15)
addl $1,1,$1
stl $1,16($15)
ldl $1,16($15)
cmple $1,128,$1
bne $1,$L9
ldl $1,20($15)
addl $1,1,$1
stl $1,20($15)
ldl $1,20($15)
cmple $1,64,$1
bne $1,$L7
ldl $1,24($15)
addl $1,1,$1
stl $1,24($15)
ldl $1,24($15)
cmple $1,64,$1
bne $1,$L5
stl $31,24($15)
br $31,$L13
stl $31,20($15)
br $31,$L15
stl $31,16($15)
br $31,$L17
ldl $3,24($15)
ldl $4,20($15)
ldl $5,16($15)
lda $6,a
bis $31,$3,$1
sll $1,6,$2
addq $2,$3,$2
sll $2,7,$1
addq $2,$1,$2
bis $31,$4,$1
sll $1,7,$1
addq $1,$4,$1
addq $2,$1,$1
addq $1,$5,$1
s4addq $1,0,$1
addq $1,$6,$2
lda $1,$LC17
lds $f10,0($1)
sts $f10,0($2)
ldl $3,24($15)
ldl $4,20($15)
ldl $5,16($15)
lda $6,a
bis $31,$3,$1
sll $1,6,$2
addq $2,$3,$2
sll $2,7,$1
addq $2,$1,$2
bis $31,$4,$1
sll $1,7,$1
addq $1,$4,$1
addq $2,$1,$1
addq $1,$5,$1
s4addq $1,0,$1
addq $1,$6,$2
ldah $1,33($31)
lda $1,17412($1)
addq $2,$1,$2
lda $1,$LC17
lds $f10,0($1)
sts $f10,0($2)
ldl $3,24($15)
ldl $4,20($15)
ldl $5,16($15)
lda $6,a
bis $31,$3,$1
sll $1,6,$2
addq $2,$3,$2
sll $2,7,$1
addq $2,$1,$2
bis $31,$4,$1
sll $1,7,$1
addq $1,$4,$1
addq $2,$1,$1
addq $1,$5,$1
s4addq $1,0,$1
addq $1,$6,$2
ldah $1,67($31)
lda $1,-30712($1)
addq $2,$1,$2
lda $1,$LC17
lds $f10,0($1)
sts $f10,0($2)
ldl $3,24($15)
ldl $4,20($15)
ldl $5,16($15)
lda $6,a
bis $31,$3,$1
sll $1,6,$2
addq $2,$3,$2
sll $2,7,$1
addq $2,$1,$2
bis $31,$4,$1
sll $1,7,$1
addq $1,$4,$1
addq $2,$1,$1
addq $1,$5,$1
s4addq $1,0,$1
addq $1,$6,$2
ldah $1,100($31)
lda $1,-13300($1)
addq $2,$1,$2
lda $1,$LC18
lds $f10,0($1)
sts $f10,0($2)
ldl $3,24($15)
ldl $4,20($15)
ldl $5,16($15)
lda $6,b
bis $31,$3,$1
sll $1,6,$2
addq $2,$3,$2
sll $2,7,$1
addq $2,$1,$2
bis $31,$4,$1
sll $1,7,$1
addq $1,$4,$1
addq $2,$1,$1
addq $1,$5,$1
s4addq $1,0,$1
addq $1,$6,$1
sts $f31,0($1)
ldl $3,24($15)
ldl $4,20($15)
ldl $5,16($15)
lda $6,b
bis $31,$3,$1
sll $1,6,$2
addq $2,$3,$2
sll $2,7,$1
addq $2,$1,$2
bis $31,$4,$1
sll $1,7,$1
addq $1,$4,$1
addq $2,$1,$1
addq $1,$5,$1
s4addq $1,0,$1
addq $1,$6,$2
ldah $1,33($31)
lda $1,17412($1)
addq $2,$1,$1
sts $f31,0($1)
ldl $3,24($15)
ldl $4,20($15)
ldl $5,16($15)
lda $6,b
bis $31,$3,$1
sll $1,6,$2
addq $2,$3,$2
sll $2,7,$1
addq $2,$1,$2
bis $31,$4,$1
sll $1,7,$1
addq $1,$4,$1
addq $2,$1,$1
addq $1,$5,$1
s4addq $1,0,$1
addq $1,$6,$2
ldah $1,67($31)
lda $1,-30712($1)
addq $2,$1,$1
sts $f31,0($1)
ldl $3,24($15)
ldl $4,20($15)
ldl $5,16($15)
lda $6,c
bis $31,$3,$1
sll $1,6,$2
addq $2,$3,$2
sll $2,7,$1
addq $2,$1,$2
bis $31,$4,$1
sll $1,7,$1
addq $1,$4,$1
addq $2,$1,$1
addq $1,$5,$1
s4addq $1,0,$1
addq $1,$6,$2
lda $1,$LC17
lds $f10,0($1)
sts $f10,0($2)
ldl $3,24($15)
ldl $4,20($15)
ldl $5,16($15)
lda $6,c
bis $31,$3,$1
sll $1,6,$2
addq $2,$3,$2
sll $2,7,$1
addq $2,$1,$2
bis $31,$4,$1
sll $1,7,$1
addq $1,$4,$1
addq $2,$1,$1
addq $1,$5,$1
s4addq $1,0,$1
addq $1,$6,$2
ldah $1,33($31)
lda $1,17412($1)
addq $2,$1,$2
lda $1,$LC17
lds $f10,0($1)
sts $f10,0($2)
ldl $3,24($15)
ldl $4,20($15)
ldl $5,16($15)
lda $6,c
bis $31,$3,$1
sll $1,6,$2
addq $2,$3,$2
sll $2,7,$1
addq $2,$1,$2
bis $31,$4,$1
sll $1,7,$1
addq $1,$4,$1
addq $2,$1,$1
addq $1,$5,$1
s4addq $1,0,$1
addq $1,$6,$2
ldah $1,67($31)
lda $1,-30712($1)
addq $2,$1,$2
lda $1,$LC17
lds $f10,0($1)
sts $f10,0($2)
ldl $3,24($15)
ldl $4,20($15)
ldl $5,16($15)
ldl $2,24($15)
ldl $1,24($15)
mull $2,$1,$1
addl $31,$1,$1
bis $31,$1,$2
stq $2,32($15)
ldt $f10,32($15)
cvtqs $f10,$f11
lda $1,imax
ldl $1,0($1)
subl $1,1,$1
addl $31,$1,$2
lda $1,imax
ldl $1,0($1)
subl $1,1,$1
addl $31,$1,$1
mull $2,$1,$1
addl $31,$1,$1
bis $31,$1,$2
stq $2,32($15)
ldt $f12,32($15)
cvtqs $f12,$f10
divs $f11,$f10,$f10
lda $6,p
bis $31,$3,$1
sll $1,6,$2
addq $2,$3,$2
sll $2,7,$1
addq $2,$1,$2
bis $31,$4,$1
sll $1,7,$1
addq $1,$4,$1
addq $2,$1,$1
addq $1,$5,$1
s4addq $1,0,$1
addq $1,$6,$1
sts $f10,0($1)
ldl $3,24($15)
ldl $4,20($15)
ldl $5,16($15)
lda $6,wrk1
bis $31,$3,$1
sll $1,6,$2
addq $2,$3,$2
sll $2,7,$1
addq $2,$1,$2
bis $31,$4,$1
sll $1,7,$1
addq $1,$4,$1
addq $2,$1,$1
addq $1,$5,$1
s4addq $1,0,$1
addq $1,$6,$1
sts $f31,0($1)
ldl $3,24($15)
ldl $4,20($15)
ldl $5,16($15)
lda $6,bnd
bis $31,$3,$1
sll $1,6,$2
addq $2,$3,$2
sll $2,7,$1
addq $2,$1,$2
bis $31,$4,$1
sll $1,7,$1
addq $1,$4,$1
addq $2,$1,$1
addq $1,$5,$1
s4addq $1,0,$1
addq $1,$6,$2
lda $1,$LC17
lds $f10,0($1)
sts $f10,0($2)
ldl $1,16($15)
addl $1,1,$1
stl $1,16($15)
lda $1,kmax
ldl $2,0($1)
ldl $1,16($15)
cmplt $1,$2,$1
bne $1,$L18
ldl $1,20($15)
addl $1,1,$1
stl $1,20($15)
lda $1,jmax
ldl $2,0($1)
ldl $1,20($15)
cmplt $1,$2,$1
bne $1,$L16
ldl $1,24($15)
addl $1,1,$1
stl $1,24($15)
lda $1,imax
ldl $2,0($1)
ldl $1,24($15)
cmplt $1,$2,$1
bne $1,$L14
bis $31,$15,$30
ldq $26,0($30)
ldq $15,8($30)
lda $30,48($30)
ret $31,($26),1
.end initmt
.align 2
.globl jacobi
.ent jacobi
.frame $15,64,$26,0
.mask 0x4008000,-64
ldgp $29,0($27)
lda $30,-64($30)
stq $26,0($30)
stq $15,8($30)
bis $31,$30,$15
.prologue 1
bis $31,$16,$1
stl $1,48($15)
stl $31,28($15)
br $31,$L24
sts $f31,24($15)
lda $1,1($31)
stl $1,40($15)
br $31,$L26
lda $1,1($31)
stl $1,36($15)
br $31,$L28
lda $1,1($31)
stl $1,32($15)
br $31,$L30
ldl $3,40($15)
ldl $4,36($15)
ldl $5,32($15)
lda $6,a
bis $31,$3,$1
sll $1,6,$2
addq $2,$3,$2
sll $2,7,$1
addq $2,$1,$2
bis $31,$4,$1
sll $1,7,$1
addq $1,$4,$1
addq $2,$1,$1
addq $1,$5,$1
s4addq $1,0,$1
addq $1,$6,$1
lds $f11,0($1)
ldl $1,40($15)
addl $1,1,$1
addl $31,$1,$3
ldl $4,36($15)
ldl $5,32($15)
lda $6,p
bis $31,$3,$1
sll $1,6,$2
addq $2,$3,$2
sll $2,7,$1
addq $2,$1,$2
bis $31,$4,$1
sll $1,7,$1
addq $1,$4,$1
addq $2,$1,$1
addq $1,$5,$1
s4addq $1,0,$1
addq $1,$6,$1
lds $f10,0($1)
muls $f11,$f10,$f11
ldl $3,40($15)
ldl $4,36($15)
ldl $5,32($15)
lda $6,a
bis $31,$3,$1
sll $1,6,$2
addq $2,$3,$2
sll $2,7,$1
addq $2,$1,$2
bis $31,$4,$1
sll $1,7,$1
addq $1,$4,$1
addq $2,$1,$1
addq $1,$5,$1
s4addq $1,0,$1
addq $1,$6,$2
ldah $1,33($31)
lda $1,17412($1)
addq $2,$1,$1
lds $f12,0($1)
ldl $3,40($15)
ldl $1,36($15)
addl $1,1,$1
addl $31,$1,$4
ldl $5,32($15)
lda $6,p
bis $31,$3,$1
sll $1,6,$2
addq $2,$3,$2
sll $2,7,$1
addq $2,$1,$2
bis $31,$4,$1
sll $1,7,$1
addq $1,$4,$1
addq $2,$1,$1
addq $1,$5,$1
s4addq $1,0,$1
addq $1,$6,$1
lds $f10,0($1)
muls $f12,$f10,$f10
adds $f11,$f10,$f11
ldl $3,40($15)
ldl $4,36($15)
ldl $5,32($15)
lda $6,a
bis $31,$3,$1
sll $1,6,$2
addq $2,$3,$2
sll $2,7,$1
addq $2,$1,$2
bis $31,$4,$1
sll $1,7,$1
addq $1,$4,$1
addq $2,$1,$1
addq $1,$5,$1
s4addq $1,0,$1
addq $1,$6,$2
ldah $1,67($31)
lda $1,-30712($1)
addq $2,$1,$1
lds $f12,0($1)
ldl $3,40($15)
ldl $4,36($15)
ldl $1,32($15)
addl $1,1,$1
addl $31,$1,$5
lda $6,p
bis $31,$3,$1
sll $1,6,$2
addq $2,$3,$2
sll $2,7,$1
addq $2,$1,$2
bis $31,$4,$1
sll $1,7,$1
addq $1,$4,$1
addq $2,$1,$1
addq $1,$5,$1
s4addq $1,0,$1
addq $1,$6,$1
lds $f10,0($1)
muls $f12,$f10,$f10
adds $f11,$f10,$f11
ldl $3,40($15)
ldl $4,36($15)
ldl $5,32($15)
lda $6,b
bis $31,$3,$1
sll $1,6,$2
addq $2,$3,$2
sll $2,7,$1
addq $2,$1,$2
bis $31,$4,$1
sll $1,7,$1
addq $1,$4,$1
addq $2,$1,$1
addq $1,$5,$1
s4addq $1,0,$1
addq $1,$6,$1
lds $f12,0($1)
ldl $1,40($15)
addl $1,1,$1
addl $31,$1,$3
ldl $1,36($15)
addl $1,1,$1
addl $31,$1,$4
ldl $5,32($15)
lda $6,p
bis $31,$3,$1
sll $1,6,$2
addq $2,$3,$2
sll $2,7,$1
addq $2,$1,$2
bis $31,$4,$1
sll $1,7,$1
addq $1,$4,$1
addq $2,$1,$1
addq $1,$5,$1
s4addq $1,0,$1
addq $1,$6,$1
lds $f13,0($1)
ldl $1,40($15)
addl $1,1,$1
addl $31,$1,$3
ldl $1,36($15)
subl $1,1,$1
addl $31,$1,$4
ldl $5,32($15)
lda $6,p
bis $31,$3,$1
sll $1,6,$2
addq $2,$3,$2
sll $2,7,$1
addq $2,$1,$2
bis $31,$4,$1
sll $1,7,$1
addq $1,$4,$1
addq $2,$1,$1
addq $1,$5,$1
s4addq $1,0,$1
addq $1,$6,$1
lds $f10,0($1)
subs $f13,$f10,$f13
ldl $1,40($15)
subl $1,1,$1
addl $31,$1,$3
ldl $1,36($15)
addl $1,1,$1
addl $31,$1,$4
ldl $5,32($15)
lda $6,p
bis $31,$3,$1
sll $1,6,$2
addq $2,$3,$2
sll $2,7,$1
addq $2,$1,$2
bis $31,$4,$1
sll $1,7,$1
addq $1,$4,$1
addq $2,$1,$1
addq $1,$5,$1
s4addq $1,0,$1
addq $1,$6,$1
lds $f10,0($1)
subs $f13,$f10,$f13
ldl $1,40($15)
subl $1,1,$1
addl $31,$1,$3
ldl $1,36($15)
subl $1,1,$1
addl $31,$1,$4
ldl $5,32($15)
lda $6,p
bis $31,$3,$1
sll $1,6,$2
addq $2,$3,$2
sll $2,7,$1
addq $2,$1,$2
bis $31,$4,$1
sll $1,7,$1
addq $1,$4,$1
addq $2,$1,$1
addq $1,$5,$1
s4addq $1,0,$1
addq $1,$6,$1
lds $f10,0($1)
adds $f13,$f10,$f10
muls $f12,$f10,$f10
adds $f11,$f10,$f11
ldl $3,40($15)
ldl $4,36($15)
ldl $5,32($15)
lda $6,b
bis $31,$3,$1
sll $1,6,$2
addq $2,$3,$2
sll $2,7,$1
addq $2,$1,$2
bis $31,$4,$1
sll $1,7,$1
addq $1,$4,$1
addq $2,$1,$1
addq $1,$5,$1
s4addq $1,0,$1
addq $1,$6,$2
ldah $1,33($31)
lda $1,17412($1)
addq $2,$1,$1
lds $f12,0($1)
ldl $3,40($15)
ldl $1,36($15)
addl $1,1,$1
addl $31,$1,$4
ldl $1,32($15)
addl $1,1,$1
addl $31,$1,$5
lda $6,p
bis $31,$3,$1
sll $1,6,$2
addq $2,$3,$2
sll $2,7,$1
addq $2,$1,$2
bis $31,$4,$1
sll $1,7,$1
addq $1,$4,$1
addq $2,$1,$1
addq $1,$5,$1
s4addq $1,0,$1
addq $1,$6,$1
lds $f13,0($1)
ldl $3,40($15)
ldl $1,36($15)
subl $1,1,$1
addl $31,$1,$4
ldl $1,32($15)
addl $1,1,$1
addl $31,$1,$5
lda $6,p
bis $31,$3,$1
sll $1,6,$2
addq $2,$3,$2
sll $2,7,$1
addq $2,$1,$2
bis $31,$4,$1
sll $1,7,$1
addq $1,$4,$1
addq $2,$1,$1
addq $1,$5,$1
s4addq $1,0,$1
addq $1,$6,$1
lds $f10,0($1)
subs $f13,$f10,$f13
ldl $3,40($15)
ldl $1,36($15)
addl $1,1,$1
addl $31,$1,$4
ldl $1,32($15)
subl $1,1,$1
addl $31,$1,$5
lda $6,p
bis $31,$3,$1
sll $1,6,$2
addq $2,$3,$2
sll $2,7,$1
addq $2,$1,$2
bis $31,$4,$1
sll $1,7,$1
addq $1,$4,$1
addq $2,$1,$1
addq $1,$5,$1
s4addq $1,0,$1
addq $1,$6,$1
lds $f10,0($1)
subs $f13,$f10,$f13
ldl $3,40($15)
ldl $1,36($15)
subl $1,1,$1
addl $31,$1,$4
ldl $1,32($15)
subl $1,1,$1
addl $31,$1,$5
lda $6,p
bis $31,$3,$1
sll $1,6,$2
addq $2,$3,$2
sll $2,7,$1
addq $2,$1,$2
bis $31,$4,$1
sll $1,7,$1
addq $1,$4,$1
addq $2,$1,$1
addq $1,$5,$1
s4addq $1,0,$1
addq $1,$6,$1
lds $f10,0($1)
adds $f13,$f10,$f10
muls $f12,$f10,$f10
adds $f11,$f10,$f11
ldl $3,40($15)
ldl $4,36($15)
ldl $5,32($15)
lda $6,b
bis $31,$3,$1
sll $1,6,$2
addq $2,$3,$2
sll $2,7,$1
addq $2,$1,$2
bis $31,$4,$1
sll $1,7,$1
addq $1,$4,$1
addq $2,$1,$1
addq $1,$5,$1
s4addq $1,0,$1
addq $1,$6,$2
ldah $1,67($31)
lda $1,-30712($1)
addq $2,$1,$1
lds $f12,0($1)
ldl $1,40($15)
addl $1,1,$1
addl $31,$1,$3
ldl $4,36($15)
ldl $1,32($15)
addl $1,1,$1
addl $31,$1,$5
lda $6,p
bis $31,$3,$1
sll $1,6,$2
addq $2,$3,$2
sll $2,7,$1
addq $2,$1,$2
bis $31,$4,$1
sll $1,7,$1
addq $1,$4,$1
addq $2,$1,$1
addq $1,$5,$1
s4addq $1,0,$1
addq $1,$6,$1
lds $f13,0($1)
ldl $1,40($15)
subl $1,1,$1
addl $31,$1,$3
ldl $4,36($15)
ldl $1,32($15)
addl $1,1,$1
addl $31,$1,$5
lda $6,p
bis $31,$3,$1
sll $1,6,$2
addq $2,$3,$2
sll $2,7,$1
addq $2,$1,$2
bis $31,$4,$1
sll $1,7,$1
addq $1,$4,$1
addq $2,$1,$1
addq $1,$5,$1
s4addq $1,0,$1
addq $1,$6,$1
lds $f10,0($1)
subs $f13,$f10,$f13
ldl $1,40($15)
addl $1,1,$1
addl $31,$1,$3
ldl $4,36($15)
ldl $1,32($15)
subl $1,1,$1
addl $31,$1,$5
lda $6,p
bis $31,$3,$1
sll $1,6,$2
addq $2,$3,$2
sll $2,7,$1
addq $2,$1,$2
bis $31,$4,$1
sll $1,7,$1
addq $1,$4,$1
addq $2,$1,$1
addq $1,$5,$1
s4addq $1,0,$1
addq $1,$6,$1
lds $f10,0($1)
subs $f13,$f10,$f13
ldl $1,40($15)
subl $1,1,$1
addl $31,$1,$3
ldl $4,36($15)
ldl $1,32($15)
subl $1,1,$1
addl $31,$1,$5
lda $6,p
bis $31,$3,$1
sll $1,6,$2
addq $2,$3,$2
sll $2,7,$1
addq $2,$1,$2
bis $31,$4,$1
sll $1,7,$1
addq $1,$4,$1
addq $2,$1,$1
addq $1,$5,$1
s4addq $1,0,$1
addq $1,$6,$1
lds $f10,0($1)
adds $f13,$f10,$f10
muls $f12,$f10,$f10
adds $f11,$f10,$f11
ldl $3,40($15)
ldl $4,36($15)
ldl $5,32($15)
lda $6,c
bis $31,$3,$1
sll $1,6,$2
addq $2,$3,$2
sll $2,7,$1
addq $2,$1,$2
bis $31,$4,$1
sll $1,7,$1
addq $1,$4,$1
addq $2,$1,$1
addq $1,$5,$1
s4addq $1,0,$1
addq $1,$6,$1
lds $f12,0($1)
ldl $1,40($15)
subl $1,1,$1
addl $31,$1,$3
ldl $4,36($15)
ldl $5,32($15)
lda $6,p
bis $31,$3,$1
sll $1,6,$2
addq $2,$3,$2
sll $2,7,$1
addq $2,$1,$2
bis $31,$4,$1
sll $1,7,$1
addq $1,$4,$1
addq $2,$1,$1
addq $1,$5,$1
s4addq $1,0,$1
addq $1,$6,$1
lds $f10,0($1)
muls $f12,$f10,$f10
adds $f11,$f10,$f11
ldl $3,40($15)
ldl $4,36($15)
ldl $5,32($15)
lda $6,c
bis $31,$3,$1
sll $1,6,$2
addq $2,$3,$2
sll $2,7,$1
addq $2,$1,$2
bis $31,$4,$1
sll $1,7,$1
addq $1,$4,$1
addq $2,$1,$1
addq $1,$5,$1
s4addq $1,0,$1
addq $1,$6,$2
ldah $1,33($31)
lda $1,17412($1)
addq $2,$1,$1
lds $f12,0($1)
ldl $3,40($15)
ldl $1,36($15)
subl $1,1,$1
addl $31,$1,$4
ldl $5,32($15)
lda $6,p
bis $31,$3,$1
sll $1,6,$2
addq $2,$3,$2
sll $2,7,$1
addq $2,$1,$2
bis $31,$4,$1
sll $1,7,$1
addq $1,$4,$1
addq $2,$1,$1
addq $1,$5,$1
s4addq $1,0,$1
addq $1,$6,$1
lds $f10,0($1)
muls $f12,$f10,$f10
adds $f11,$f10,$f11
ldl $3,40($15)
ldl $4,36($15)
ldl $5,32($15)
lda $6,c
bis $31,$3,$1
sll $1,6,$2
addq $2,$3,$2
sll $2,7,$1
addq $2,$1,$2
bis $31,$4,$1
sll $1,7,$1
addq $1,$4,$1
addq $2,$1,$1
addq $1,$5,$1
s4addq $1,0,$1
addq $1,$6,$2
ldah $1,67($31)
lda $1,-30712($1)
addq $2,$1,$1
lds $f12,0($1)
ldl $3,40($15)
ldl $4,36($15)
ldl $1,32($15)
subl $1,1,$1
addl $31,$1,$5
lda $6,p
bis $31,$3,$1
sll $1,6,$2
addq $2,$3,$2
sll $2,7,$1
addq $2,$1,$2
bis $31,$4,$1
sll $1,7,$1
addq $1,$4,$1
addq $2,$1,$1
addq $1,$5,$1
s4addq $1,0,$1
addq $1,$6,$1
lds $f10,0($1)
muls $f12,$f10,$f10
adds $f11,$f10,$f11
ldl $3,40($15)
ldl $4,36($15)
ldl $5,32($15)
lda $6,wrk1
bis $31,$3,$1
sll $1,6,$2
addq $2,$3,$2
sll $2,7,$1
addq $2,$1,$2
bis $31,$4,$1
sll $1,7,$1
addq $1,$4,$1
addq $2,$1,$1
addq $1,$5,$1
s4addq $1,0,$1
addq $1,$6,$1
lds $f10,0($1)
adds $f11,$f10,$f10
sts $f10,20($15)
ldl $3,40($15)
ldl $4,36($15)
ldl $5,32($15)
lda $6,a
bis $31,$3,$1
sll $1,6,$2
addq $2,$3,$2
sll $2,7,$1
addq $2,$1,$2
bis $31,$4,$1
sll $1,7,$1
addq $1,$4,$1
addq $2,$1,$1
addq $1,$5,$1
s4addq $1,0,$1
addq $1,$6,$2
ldah $1,100($31)
lda $1,-13300($1)
addq $2,$1,$1
lds $f11,0($1)
lds $f10,20($15)
muls $f11,$f10,$f11
ldl $3,40($15)
ldl $4,36($15)
ldl $5,32($15)
lda $6,p
bis $31,$3,$1
sll $1,6,$2
addq $2,$3,$2
sll $2,7,$1
addq $2,$1,$2
bis $31,$4,$1
sll $1,7,$1
addq $1,$4,$1
addq $2,$1,$1
addq $1,$5,$1
s4addq $1,0,$1
addq $1,$6,$1
lds $f10,0($1)
subs $f11,$f10,$f11
ldl $3,40($15)
ldl $4,36($15)
ldl $5,32($15)
lda $6,bnd
bis $31,$3,$1
sll $1,6,$2
addq $2,$3,$2
sll $2,7,$1
addq $2,$1,$2
bis $31,$4,$1
sll $1,7,$1
addq $1,$4,$1
addq $2,$1,$1
addq $1,$5,$1
s4addq $1,0,$1
addq $1,$6,$1
lds $f10,0($1)
muls $f11,$f10,$f10
sts $f10,16($15)
lds $f11,16($15)
lds $f10,16($15)
muls $f11,$f10,$f11
lds $f10,24($15)
adds $f10,$f11,$f10
sts $f10,24($15)
ldl $5,40($15)
ldl $6,36($15)
ldl $7,32($15)
ldl $3,40($15)
ldl $4,36($15)
ldl $8,32($15)
lda $22,p
bis $31,$3,$1
sll $1,6,$2
addq $2,$3,$2
sll $2,7,$1
addq $2,$1,$2
bis $31,$4,$1
sll $1,7,$1
addq $1,$4,$1
addq $2,$1,$1
addq $1,$8,$1
s4addq $1,0,$1
addq $1,$22,$1
lds $f12,0($1)
lda $1,omega
lds $f11,0($1)
lds $f10,16($15)
muls $f11,$f10,$f10
adds $f12,$f10,$f10
lda $3,wrk2
bis $31,$5,$1
sll $1,6,$2
addq $2,$5,$2
sll $2,7,$1
addq $2,$1,$2
bis $31,$6,$1
sll $1,7,$1
addq $1,$6,$1
addq $2,$1,$1
addq $1,$7,$1
s4addq $1,0,$1
addq $1,$3,$1
sts $f10,0($1)
ldl $1,32($15)
addl $1,1,$1
stl $1,32($15)
lda $1,kmax
ldl $1,0($1)
subl $1,1,$1
addl $31,$1,$2
ldl $1,32($15)
cmplt $1,$2,$1
bne $1,$L31
ldl $1,36($15)
addl $1,1,$1
stl $1,36($15)
lda $1,jmax
ldl $1,0($1)
subl $1,1,$1
addl $31,$1,$2
ldl $1,36($15)
cmplt $1,$2,$1
bne $1,$L29
ldl $1,40($15)
addl $1,1,$1
stl $1,40($15)
lda $1,imax
ldl $1,0($1)
subl $1,1,$1
addl $31,$1,$2
ldl $1,40($15)
cmplt $1,$2,$1
bne $1,$L27
lda $1,1($31)
stl $1,40($15)
br $31,$L35
lda $1,1($31)
stl $1,36($15)
br $31,$L37
lda $1,1($31)
stl $1,32($15)
br $31,$L39
ldl $5,40($15)
ldl $6,36($15)
ldl $7,32($15)
ldl $3,40($15)
ldl $4,36($15)
ldl $8,32($15)
lda $22,wrk2
bis $31,$3,$1
sll $1,6,$2
addq $2,$3,$2
sll $2,7,$1
addq $2,$1,$2
bis $31,$4,$1
sll $1,7,$1
addq $1,$4,$1
addq $2,$1,$1
addq $1,$8,$1
s4addq $1,0,$1
addq $1,$22,$1
lds $f10,0($1)
lda $3,p
bis $31,$5,$1
sll $1,6,$2
addq $2,$5,$2
sll $2,7,$1
addq $2,$1,$2
bis $31,$6,$1
sll $1,7,$1
addq $1,$6,$1
addq $2,$1,$1
addq $1,$7,$1
s4addq $1,0,$1
addq $1,$3,$1
sts $f10,0($1)
ldl $1,32($15)
addl $1,1,$1
stl $1,32($15)
lda $1,kmax
ldl $1,0($1)
subl $1,1,$1
addl $31,$1,$2
ldl $1,32($15)
cmplt $1,$2,$1
bne $1,$L40
ldl $1,36($15)
addl $1,1,$1
stl $1,36($15)
lda $1,jmax
ldl $1,0($1)
subl $1,1,$1
addl $31,$1,$2
ldl $1,36($15)
cmplt $1,$2,$1
bne $1,$L38
ldl $1,40($15)
addl $1,1,$1
stl $1,40($15)
lda $1,imax
ldl $1,0($1)
subl $1,1,$1
addl $31,$1,$2
ldl $1,40($15)
cmplt $1,$2,$1
bne $1,$L36
ldl $1,28($15)
addl $1,1,$1
stl $1,28($15)
ldl $1,28($15)
ldl $2,48($15)
cmplt $1,$2,$1
bne $1,$L25
lds $f10,24($15)
cpys $f10,$f10,$f0
bis $31,$15,$30
ldq $26,0($30)
ldq $15,8($30)
lda $30,64($30)
ret $31,($26),1
.end jacobi
.align 3
.long 0
.long 1078001664
.align 2
.globl fflop
.ent fflop
.frame $15,48,$26,0
.mask 0x4008000,-48
ldgp $29,0($27)
lda $30,-48($30)
stq $26,0($30)
stq $15,8($30)
bis $31,$30,$15
.prologue 1
bis $31,$16,$1
bis $31,$17,$2
bis $31,$18,$3
stl $1,16($15)
stl $2,20($15)
stl $3,24($15)
ldl $1,24($15)
subl $1,2,$1
addl $31,$1,$1
bis $31,$1,$2
stq $2,32($15)
ldt $f10,32($15)
cvtqt $f10,$f11
ldl $1,20($15)
subl $1,2,$1
addl $31,$1,$1
bis $31,$1,$2
stq $2,32($15)
ldt $f12,32($15)
cvtqt $f12,$f10
mult $f11,$f10,$f11
ldl $1,16($15)
subl $1,2,$1
addl $31,$1,$1
bis $31,$1,$2
stq $2,32($15)
ldt $f12,32($15)
cvtqt $f12,$f10
mult $f11,$f10,$f11
lda $1,$LC19
ldt $f10,0($1)
mult $f11,$f10,$f10
cpys $f10,$f10,$f0
bis $31,$15,$30
ldq $26,0($30)
ldq $15,8($30)
lda $30,48($30)
ret $31,($26),1
.end fflop
.align 3
.long 2696277389
.long 1051772663
.align 2
.globl mflops
.ent mflops
.frame $15,64,$26,0
.mask 0x4008000,-64
ldgp $29,0($27)
lda $30,-64($30)
stq $26,0($30)
stq $15,8($30)
bis $31,$30,$15
.prologue 1
bis $31,$16,$1
stt $f17,24($15)
stt $f18,32($15)
stl $1,16($15)
ldt $f11,32($15)
ldt $f10,24($15)
divt $f11,$f10,$f11
lda $1,$LC20
ldt $f10,0($1)
mult $f11,$f10,$f11
ldl $1,16($15)
bis $31,$1,$2
stq $2,48($15)
ldt $f12,48($15)
cvtqt $f12,$f10
mult $f11,$f10,$f10
cpys $f10,$f10,$f0
bis $31,$15,$30
ldq $26,0($30)
ldq $15,8($30)
lda $30,64($30)
ret $31,($26),1
.end mflops
.lcomm base_usec.2681,4
.lcomm base_sec.2680,4
.align 3
.long 0
.long 1093567616
.align 2
.globl second
.ent second
.frame $15,48,$26,0
.mask 0x4008000,-48
ldgp $29,0($27)
lda $30,-48($30)
stq $26,0($30)
stq $15,8($30)
bis $31,$30,$15
.prologue 1
lda $1,24($15)
bis $31,$1,$16
bis $31,$31,$17
jsr $26,gettimeofday
ldgp $29,0($26)
lda $1,base_sec.2680
ldl $1,0($1)
bne $1,$L51
lda $1,base_usec.2681
ldl $1,0($1)
bne $1,$L51
ldl $2,24($15)
lda $1,base_sec.2680
stl $2,0($1)
ldl $2,28($15)
lda $1,base_usec.2681
stl $2,0($1)
stt $f31,16($15)
br $31,$L54
ldl $2,24($15)
lda $1,base_sec.2680
ldl $1,0($1)
subl $2,$1,$1
addl $31,$1,$1
bis $31,$1,$2
stq $2,32($15)
ldt $f10,32($15)
cvtqt $f10,$f12
ldl $2,28($15)
lda $1,base_usec.2681
ldl $1,0($1)
subl $2,$1,$1
addl $31,$1,$1
bis $31,$1,$2
stq $2,32($15)
ldt $f10,32($15)
cvtqt $f10,$f11
lda $1,$LC21
ldt $f10,0($1)
divt $f11,$f10,$f10
addt $f12,$f10,$f10
stt $f10,16($15)
ldt $f10,16($15)
cpys $f10,$f10,$f0
bis $31,$15,$30
ldq $26,0($30)
ldq $15,8($30)
lda $30,48($30)
ret $31,($26),1
.end second
.lcomm p,2180100
.lcomm a,8720400
.lcomm b,6540300
.lcomm c,6540300
.lcomm bnd,2180100
.lcomm wrk1,2180100
.lcomm wrk2,2180100
.lcomm imax,4
.lcomm jmax,4
.lcomm kmax,4
.lcomm omega,4
I compile benchmark.s on NetBSD/Alpha.
# uname -a
NetBSD 7.99.20 NetBSD 7.99.20 (GENERIC-$Revision: 1.364 $) #1: Sat Aug 1 12:15:01 UTC 2015 naruaki@:/usr/obj.alpha/sys/arch/alpha/compile/GENERIC alpha
# gcc -v
Using built-in specs.
Target: alpha--netbsd
Configured with: /usr/src/tools/gcc/../../external/gpl3/gcc/dist/configure --target=alpha--netbsd --enable-long-long --enable-threads --with-bugurl= --with-pkgversion='NetBSD nb2 20150115' --with-system-zlib --enable-__cxa_atexit --enable-libstdcxx-threads --enable-libstdcxx-time=rt --enable-lto --with-mpc-lib=/var/obj/mknative/alpha/usr/src/external/lgpl3/mpc/lib/libmpc --with-mpfr-lib=/var/obj/mknative/alpha/usr/src/external/lgpl3/mpfr/lib/libmpfr --with-gmp-lib=/var/obj/mknative/alpha/usr/src/external/lgpl3/gmp/lib/libgmp --with-mpc-include=/usr/src/external/lgpl3/mpc/dist/src --with-mpfr-include=/usr/src/external/lgpl3/mpfr/dist/src --with-gmp-include=/usr/src/external/lgpl3/gmp/lib/libgmp/arch/alpha --enable-tls --disable-multilib --disable-symvers --disable-libstdcxx-pch --build=x86_64-unknown-netbsd6.0. --host=alpha--netbsd --with-sysroot=/var/obj/mknative/alpha/usr/src/destdir.alpha
Thread model: posix
gcc version 4.8.5 (nb2 20150115)
# ls -l benchmark.s
-rw-r--r-- 1 root wheel 28656 Aug 1 2015 benchmark.s
# gcc benchmark.s -o benchmark
benchmark.s: Assembler messages:
benchmark.s:2: Error: unknown pseudo-op: `.verstamp'
benchmark.s:7: Error: unknown pseudo-op: `.rdata'
benchmark.s:241: Error: unknown pseudo-op: `.rdata'
benchmark.s:1702: Error: unknown pseudo-op: `.rdata'
benchmark.s:1760: Error: unknown pseudo-op: `.rdata'
benchmark.s:1804: Error: unknown pseudo-op: `.rdata'
# vi benchmark.s
(delete line 2, line 7, line 241, line 1702, line 1760, line 1804)
# gcc benchmark.s -o benchmark
# ./benchmark
mimax = 65 mjmax = 65 mkmax = 129
imax = 64 jmax = 64 kmax =128
Start rehearsal measurement process.
Measure the performance in 3 times.
MFLOPS: 49.403088 time(s): 1.000000 3.288628e-03
Now, start the actual measurement process.
The loop will be excuted in 180 times
This will take about one minute.
Wait for a while
Loop executed for 180 times
Gosa : 1.752524e-03
MFLOPS measured : 61.753860 cpu : 48.000000
Score based on Pentium III 600MHz : 0.753096
It appears to be correct...
I don't carry out test on old NetBSD version.
From: "Naruaki.Etomi" <>
Subject: Re: toolchain/50112: GCC is broken on NetBSD/Alpha Current,7-0-RC2,7-0-RC1
Date: Sun, 2 Aug 2015 06:12:39 +0900
I'm sorry it was my misunderstanding.
Please revert this PR.
The cause of this problem is my computer set time is wrong.
# date 6208270237
Aug 27 02:37:00 date: date set by root
Sun Aug 27 02:37:00 UTC 2062
# date
Sun Aug 27 02:37:03 UTC 2062
# ./benchmark
mimax = 65 mjmax = 65 mkmax = 129
imax = 64 jmax = 64 kmax =128
Start rehearsal measurement process.
Measure the performance in 3 times.
MFLOPS: 0.000000 time(s): 4294967296.819821 3.288628e-03
Now, start the actual measurement process.
The loop will be excuted in 0 times
This will take about one minute.
Wait for a while
Loop executed for 0 times
Gosa : 7.796213e-310
MFLOPS measured : 0.000000 cpu : 0.000001
Score based on Pentium III 600MHz : 0.000000
# ntpdate
1 Aug 21:08:38 ntpdate[1695]: step time server offset
-1485408634.746759 sec
# date
Sat Aug 1 21:08:53 UTC 2015
# ./benchmark
mimax = 65 mjmax = 65 mkmax = 129
imax = 64 jmax = 64 kmax =128
Start rehearsal measurement process.
Measure the performance in 3 times.
MFLOPS: 59.941019 time(s): 0.824195 3.288628e-03
Now, start the actual measurement process.
The loop will be excuted in 218 times
This will take about one minute.
Wait for a while
Loop executed for 218 times
Gosa : 1.615207e-03
MFLOPS measured : 60.347832 cpu : 59.487766
Score based on Pentium III 600MHz : 0.735949
State-Changed-From-To: open->closed
State-Changed-When: Sat, 01 Aug 2015 22:15:43 +0000
Submitter request.
From: Robert Elz <kre@munnari.OZ.AU>
Subject: Re: toolchain/50112: GCC is broken on NetBSD/Alpha Current,7-0-RC2,7-0-RC1
Date: Sun, 02 Aug 2015 06:44:37 +0700
Date: Sat, 1 Aug 2015 21:15:00 +0000 (UTC)
From: "Naruaki.Etomi" <>
Message-ID: <>
| The cause of this problem is my computer set time is wrong.
That should not really cause a benchmark to give incorrect results,
as the time it was set to will be correct, in the future, and the
benchmark should work then as well as now.
I suspect your problem is ...
struct timeval tm;
double t ;
static int base_sec = 0,base_usec = 0;
base_sec should be a time_t, not int, or things start to get weird from
2038 (base_sec will appear negative, so the calculation
t = (double) (tm.tv_sec-base_sec) +
((double) (tm.tv_usec-base_usec))/1.0e6 ;
will make a very large value in t (something of the order of 200 years
I suspect, though I did not calculate it) which, being intended to be
elapsed time, makes the system seem very very slow indeed.
From: "Naruaki.Etomi" <>
Subject: Re: toolchain/50112: GCC is broken on NetBSD/Alpha Current,7-0-RC2,7-0-RC1
Date: Sun, 2 Aug 2015 09:12:28 +0900
Dear Robert Elz
> That should not really cause a benchmark to give incorrect results,
> as the time it was set to will be correct, in the future, and the
> benchmark should work then as well as now.
Thank you very much kindly.
I learned a lot from your advice.
(Contact us)
$NetBSD: query-full-pr,v 1.39 2013/11/01 18:47:49 spz Exp $
$NetBSD:,v 1.8 2006/05/07 09:23:38 tsutsui Exp $
Copyright © 1994-2014
The NetBSD Foundation, Inc. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.