NetBSD Problem Report #7406
Received: (qmail 13674 invoked from network); 16 Apr 1999 21:47:10 -0000
Message-Id: <>
Date: Fri, 16 Apr 1999 17:48:12 -0400 (EDT)
Subject: mount_critical_filesystems() spews incorrectly.
X-Send-Pr-Version: 3.95
>Number: 7406
>Category: misc
>Synopsis: mount_critical_filesystems() spews incorrectly.
>Confidential: no
>Severity: non-critical
>Priority: medium
>Responsible: misc-bug-people
>State: closed
>Class: sw-bug
>Submitter-Id: net
>Arrival-Date: Fri Apr 16 14:50:02 +0000 1999
>Closed-Date: Wed Apr 28 23:34:26 +0000 1999
>Last-Modified: Wed Apr 28 23:35:42 +0000 1999
>Originator: Nathan Williams
>Release: NetBSD 1.4_ALPHA
Primeon, Inc.
System: NetBSD nwilliams 1.4_ALPHA NetBSD 1.4_ALPHA (PRIMEON) #0: Fri Apr 16 15:37:33 EDT 1999 nathanw@nwilliams:/u1/nbsd/src/sys/arch/i386/compile/PRIMEON i386
The mount_critical_filsystems() routine in /etc/rc.subr calls
islocalfs() on "/usr", "/var", and the filesystems listed in
$critical_filesystems. On a system where either /usr or /var is not a separate
partition, islocalfs() ends up complaining
WARNING: islocalfs() in rc.subr doesn't recognise fstype /usr
during boot. This is useless and potentially disconcerting spewage.
Install a machine and make usr and var symlinks to an actual
mounted partition like /u1. Reboot.
Put /usr and /var in the default definition of $critical_filesystems
rather than coding them in the routine so that installers can remove them
for systems where neither is actually a filesystem.
*** rc.conf.orig Fri Apr 16 17:43:24 1999
--- rc.conf Fri Apr 16 17:44:07 1999
*** 27,34 ****
# related to Internet domain names.
domainname="" # if blank, use /etc/defaultdomain
! # Filesystems (besides /usr and /var) to mount early in boot-up
! critical_filesystems=""
# Set this to YES if you have purposefully setup no swap partitions and
# don't want to be warned about it
--- 27,34 ----
# related to Internet domain names.
domainname="" # if blank, use /etc/defaultdomain
! # Filesystems to mount early in boot-up
! critical_filesystems="/usr /var"
# Set this to YES if you have purposefully setup no swap partitions and
# don't want to be warned about it
*** rc.subr.orig Fri Apr 16 17:44:30 1999
--- rc.subr Fri Apr 16 17:44:43 1999
*** 34,40 ****
mount_critical_filesystems() {
! for fs in /usr /var $critical_filesystems; do
if [ $1 = local ] && ! islocalfs $fs; then
--- 34,40 ----
mount_critical_filesystems() {
! for fs in $critical_filesystems; do
if [ $1 = local ] && ! islocalfs $fs; then
State-Changed-From-To: open->closed
State-Changed-By: nathanw
State-Changed-When: Wed Apr 28 16:34:26 PDT 1999
The problem was fixed, in part in rev 1.8 of rc.subr
(although the person who committed that failed to close this PR)
and in full by 1.9 of rc.subr and 1.50 of rc.conf.
(Contact us)
$NetBSD: query-full-pr,v 1.39 2013/11/01 18:47:49 spz Exp $
$NetBSD:,v 1.8 2006/05/07 09:23:38 tsutsui Exp $
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