NetBSD Problem Report #9054

Received: (qmail 436 invoked from network); 25 Dec 1999 20:18:32 -0000
Message-Id: <>
Date: Sat, 25 Dec 1999 21:15:38 +0100 (MET)
Subject: EASC console bell fix
X-Send-Pr-Version: 3.95

>Number:         9054
>Category:       port-mac68k
>Synopsis:       EASC console bell fix
>Confidential:   no
>Severity:       non-critical
>Priority:       medium
>Responsible:    nat
>State:          analyzed
>Class:          sw-bug
>Submitter-Id:   net
>Arrival-Date:   Sat Dec 25 12:20:59 +0000 1999
>Last-Modified:  Sun Nov 12 06:43:27 +0000 2023
>Originator:     Erik Bertelsen
>Release:        NetBSD-current 25 dec 1999

System: NetBSD 1.4P NetBSD 1.4P (Q610) #248: Thu Dec 23 21:47:54 MET 1999 mac68k


	The following message with patch was circulated on port-mac68k
	last year.  It contains a fix to give EASC machines a usable
	bell sound, e.g. my Q610.

	I've been running the patch for a few months, but did not
	provide it myself, see the text for further attributions.

	I send it as a PR to give it a  chance of being introduced into the
	NetBSD source tree. Besides the original patch, I also send an
	updated version that relates to NetBSD-current as of yesterday.

best regards
Erik Bertelsen


From  Sat Aug 22 10:47:47 1998
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From: Frederick Bruckman <>
Date: Sat, 22 Aug 1998 03:46:04 -0500 (CDT)
Reply-To: Frederick Bruckman <>
Subject: Patch for console bell.
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This is a patch that Colin Wood posted in May. It's been reworked to apply
against current-Aug. 21, 1998. This patch gives you a sweet sounding
console bell on machines with the Extended Apple Sound Chip. If typing ^G
on the console of your mac68k-netbsd box gives you an alarming, static-y
clicking sound, then you probably have an EASC.

You apply this patch against your kernel sources. If, for example, you've
saved this message as /root/patch-bell, do

	# cd /usr ; patch </root/patch-bell

then build your kernel. No changes from the GENERIC config are necessary,
but if you have a custom kernel, be sure to include an asc device:

# On-board audio hardware
asc0    at obio?                        # ASC/EASC audio

You may optionally customize the sound of the bell. The example that
follows is my preference; it's a lower, longer tone than the default.

options         BELL_FREQ=1441
options         BELL_LENGTH=11
options         BELL_VOLUME=88

Here's the patch:

*** src/sys/arch/mac68k/obio/ascvar.h.orig	Sun May  3 06:12:43 1998
--- src/sys/arch/mac68k/obio/ascvar.h	Fri Aug 21 12:57:21 1998
*** 32,40 ****
  	struct device		sc_dev;
  	bus_space_tag_t		sc_tag;
  	bus_space_handle_t	sc_handle;
  	int			sc_open;
! 	int			sc_ringing;

  int	ascopen __P((dev_t dev, int flag, int mode, struct proc *p));
  int	ascclose __P((dev_t dev, int flag, int mode, struct proc *p));
--- 32,46 ----
  	struct device		sc_dev;
  	bus_space_tag_t		sc_tag;
  	bus_space_handle_t	sc_handle;
  	int			sc_open;
! 	/* console bell state */
! 	int			sc_up;		/* up part of the wave */
! 	int			sc_down;	/* down part of the wave */
! 	int			sc_duration;	/* tone duration */
! 	int			sc_freq;	/* wave frequency */
! 	int			sc_phase;	/* current position in wave */

  int	ascopen __P((dev_t dev, int flag, int mode, struct proc *p));
  int	ascclose __P((dev_t dev, int flag, int mode, struct proc *p));
*** src/sys/arch/mac68k/obio/asc.c.orig	Sat Aug 15 06:12:11 1998
--- src/sys/arch/mac68k/obio/asc.c	Fri Aug 21 13:15:55 1998
*** 94,105 ****
  #ifdef ASC_DEBUG
  int	asc_debug = 0;		/* non-zero enables debugging output */

! static u_int8_t		asc_wave_tab[0x800];

- static int	asc_ring_bell __P((void *, int, int, int));
- static void	asc_stop_bell __P((void *));
  static void	asc_intr_enable __P((void));
  static void	asc_intr __P((void *));

  static int	ascmatch __P((struct device *, struct cfdata *, void *));
--- 94,104 ----
  #ifdef ASC_DEBUG
  int	asc_debug = 0;		/* non-zero enables debugging output */

! static int    asc_start_bell __P((void *, int, int, int));
! static void   asc_ring_bell __P((void *));

  static void	asc_intr_enable __P((void));
  static void	asc_intr __P((void *));

  static int	ascmatch __P((struct device *, struct cfdata *, void *));
*** 149,157 ****
  	struct asc_softc *sc = (struct asc_softc *)self;
  	struct obio_attach_args *oa = (struct obio_attach_args *)aux;
  	bus_addr_t addr;
- 	int i;

  	sc->sc_tag = oa->oa_tag;
  	if (oa->oa_addr != (-1))
  		addr = (bus_addr_t)oa->oa_addr;
--- 148,155 ----
*** 164,192 ****
  		printf(": can't map memory space\n");
  	sc->sc_open = 0;
! 	sc->sc_ringing = 0;
! 	for (i = 0; i < 256; i++) {	/* up part of wave, four voices? */
! 		asc_wave_tab[i] = i / 4;
! 		asc_wave_tab[i + 512] = i / 4;
! 		asc_wave_tab[i + 1024] = i / 4;
! 		asc_wave_tab[i + 1536] = i / 4;
! 	}
! 	for (i = 0; i < 256; i++) {	/* down part of wave, four voices? */
! 		asc_wave_tab[i + 256] = 0x3f - (i / 4);
! 		asc_wave_tab[i + 768] = 0x3f - (i / 4);
! 		asc_wave_tab[i + 1280] = 0x3f - (i / 4);
! 		asc_wave_tab[i + 1792] = 0x3f - (i / 4);
! 	}

- 	printf(": Apple Sound Chip");
  	if (oa->oa_addr != (-1))
  		printf(" at %x", oa->oa_addr);

! 	mac68k_set_bell_callback(asc_ring_bell, sc);

  	via2_register_irq(VIA2_ASC, asc_intr, sc);
--- 162,185 ----
  		printf(": can't map memory space\n");
  	sc->sc_open = 0;
! 	sc->sc_duration = 0;
! 	sc->sc_freq = 0;
! 	sc->sc_up = 0;
! 	sc->sc_down = 0;
! 	sc->sc_phase = 0;
! 	if (bus_space_read_1(sc->sc_tag, sc->sc_handle, 0x800) & 0xF0)
! 		printf(": Enhanced Apple Sound Chip");
! 	else
! 		printf(": Apple Sound Chip");

  	if (oa->oa_addr != (-1))
  		printf(" at %x", oa->oa_addr);

! 	mac68k_set_bell_callback(asc_start_bell, sc);

  	via2_register_irq(VIA2_ASC, asc_intr, sc);
*** 295,367 ****

  	return (-1);

! static int 
! asc_ring_bell(arg, freq, length, volume)
  	void *arg;
! 	int freq, length, volume;
- 	struct asc_softc *sc = (struct asc_softc *)arg;
- 	unsigned long cfreq;
  	int i;

  	if (!sc)
  		return (ENODEV);

! 	if (sc->sc_ringing == 0) {
! 		bus_space_write_multi_1(sc->sc_tag, sc->sc_handle,
! 		    0, 0, 0x800);
! 		bus_space_write_region_1(sc->sc_tag, sc->sc_handle,
! 		    0, asc_wave_tab, 0x800);
! 		/* Fix this.  Need to find exact ASC sampling freq */
! 		cfreq = 65536 * freq / 466;
! 		/* printf("beep: from %d, %02x %02x %02x %02x\n",
! 		 * cur_beep.freq, (cfreq >> 24) & 0xff, (cfreq >> 16) & 0xff,
! 		 * (cfreq >> 8) & 0xff, (cfreq) & 0xff); */
! 		for (i = 0; i < 8; i++) {
! 			bus_space_write_1(sc->sc_tag, sc->sc_handle,
! 			    0x814 + 8 * i, (cfreq >> 24) & 0xff);
! 			bus_space_write_1(sc->sc_tag, sc->sc_handle,
! 			    0x815 + 8 * i, (cfreq >> 16) & 0xff);
! 			bus_space_write_1(sc->sc_tag, sc->sc_handle,
! 			    0x816 + 8 * i, (cfreq >> 8) & 0xff);
! 			bus_space_write_1(sc->sc_tag, sc->sc_handle,
! 			    0x817 + 8 * i, (cfreq) & 0xff);
! 		}		/* frequency; should put cur_beep.freq in here
! 				 * somewhere. */
! 		bus_space_write_1(sc->sc_tag, sc->sc_handle, 0x807, 3); /* 44 ? */
! 		bus_space_write_1(sc->sc_tag, sc->sc_handle, 0x806,
! 		    255 * volume / 100);
! 		bus_space_write_1(sc->sc_tag, sc->sc_handle, 0x805, 0);
! 		bus_space_write_1(sc->sc_tag, sc->sc_handle, 0x80f, 0);
! 		bus_space_write_1(sc->sc_tag, sc->sc_handle, 0x802, 2); /* sampled */
! 		bus_space_write_1(sc->sc_tag, sc->sc_handle, 0x801, 2); /* enable sampled */
- 	sc->sc_ringing++;
- 	timeout(asc_stop_bell, sc, length);

! 	return (0);

! static void 
! asc_stop_bell(arg)
  	void *arg;
  	struct asc_softc *sc = (struct asc_softc *)arg;

! 	if (!sc)
! 		return;
! 	if (sc->sc_ringing > 1000 || sc->sc_ringing < 0)
! 		panic("bell got out of sync?");
! 	if (--sc->sc_ringing == 0)	/* disable ASC */
  		bus_space_write_1(sc->sc_tag, sc->sc_handle, 0x801, 0);

  static void
--- 288,372 ----

  	return (-1);

! static int
! asc_start_bell(arg, freq, length, amplitude)
  	void *arg;
! 	int freq, length, amplitude;
  	int i;
+ 	u_char temp;
+ 	struct asc_softc *sc = (struct asc_softc *)arg;

  	if (!sc)
  		return (ENODEV);

! 	/* if the bell is already ringing, ring longer */
! 	if (sc->sc_duration > 0) {
! 		sc->sc_duration += length;
! 		return(0);

! 	sc->sc_duration = length;
! 	sc->sc_freq = 0x11999999 / freq;
! 	sc->sc_up = 0x80 + (amplitude >> 1);
! 	sc->sc_down = 0x80 - (amplitude >> 1);
! 	sc->sc_phase = 0;
! 	/* prepare the sound buffer */
! 	for (i = 1; i < 740; i+= 2) 
! 		bus_space_write_1(sc->sc_tag, sc->sc_handle, i, amplitude);
! 	/* set the volume to 4 (out of 7) */
! 	bus_space_write_1(sc->sc_tag, sc->sc_handle, 0x806, 4 << 5);
! 	/* setup the ASC registers */
! 	if (bus_space_read_1(sc->sc_tag, sc->sc_handle, 0x801) != 1) {
! 		/* what does this register do? */
! 		bus_space_write_1(sc->sc_tag, sc->sc_handle, 0x807, 0);
! 		/* select mono mode */
! 		bus_space_write_1(sc->sc_tag, sc->sc_handle, 0x802, 0);
! 		/* select sampled sound mode */
! 		bus_space_write_1(sc->sc_tag, sc->sc_handle, 0x801, 1);
! 		/* what does this register do? */
! 		temp = bus_space_read_1(sc->sc_tag, sc->sc_handle, 0x803);
! 		temp |= 0x80;
! 		bus_space_write_1(sc->sc_tag, sc->sc_handle, 0x803, temp);
! 		temp = bus_space_read_1(sc->sc_tag, sc->sc_handle, 0x803);
! 		temp &= 0x7F;
! 		bus_space_write_1(sc->sc_tag, sc->sc_handle, 0x803, temp);
! 	} 
! 	timeout(asc_ring_bell, sc, 1);
! 	return(0);

! static void
! asc_ring_bell(arg)
  	void *arg;
+ 	int i, count;
  	struct asc_softc *sc = (struct asc_softc *)arg;

! 	if (sc->sc_duration-- > 0) {
! 		count = 370;
! 		if (sc->sc_phase == 0)
! 			count = 498;
! 		for (i = 0; i <= count; i++) {
! 			sc->sc_phase += sc->sc_freq;
! 			if (sc->sc_phase & 0x00800000) 
! 				bus_space_write_1(sc->sc_tag, sc->sc_handle,
! 						  0, sc->sc_down);
! 			else
! 				bus_space_write_1(sc->sc_tag, sc->sc_handle,
! 						  0, sc->sc_up);
! 		}
! 		timeout(asc_ring_bell, sc, 1);
! 	} else 
  		bus_space_write_1(sc->sc_tag, sc->sc_handle, 0x801, 0);
+ 	return;

  static void
*** src/sys/arch/mac68k/dev/ite.c.orig	Fri Jul  3 06:09:59 1998
--- src/sys/arch/mac68k/dev/ite.c	Fri Aug 21 12:57:37 1998
*** 160,170 ****
  static int	scrreg_top;		/* scroll region */
  static int	scrreg_bottom;

  /* Console bell parameters */
! static int	bell_freq = 1880;	/* frequency */
! static int	bell_length = 10;	/* duration */
! static int	bell_volume = 100;	/* volume */

  /* For polled ADB mode */
  static int	polledkey;
  extern int	adb_polling;
--- 160,179 ----
  static int	scrreg_top;		/* scroll region */
  static int	scrreg_bottom;

  /* Console bell parameters */
! #ifndef BELL_FREQ
! #define BELL_FREQ	880
! #endif
! #ifndef BELL_LENGTH
! #define BELL_LENGTH	7
! #endif
! #ifndef BELL_VOLUME
! #define BELL_VOLUME	100
! #endif
! static int	bell_freq = BELL_FREQ;		/* frequency */
! static int	bell_length = BELL_LENGTH;	/* duration */
! static int	bell_volume = BELL_VOLUME;	/* volume */

  /* For polled ADB mode */
  static int	polledkey;
  extern int	adb_polling;

Index: dev/ite.c
RCS file: /home/cvs-base/src/sys/arch/mac68k/dev/ite.c,v
retrieving revision
diff -c -r1.1.1.23 ite.c
*** dev/ite.c	1999/11/07 13:59:12
--- dev/ite.c	1999/12/25 19:09:27
*** 163,171 ****
--- 163,186 ----
  static int	scrreg_bottom;

  /* Console bell parameters */
+ #if 0
  static int	bell_freq = 1880;	/* frequency */
  static int	bell_length = 10;	/* duration */
  static int	bell_volume = 100;	/* volume */
+ #else
+ #ifndef BELL_FREQ
+ #define BELL_FREQ	880
+ #endif
+ #ifndef BELL_LENGTH
+ #define BELL_LENGTH	7
+ #endif
+ #ifndef BELL_VOLUME
+ #define BELL_VOLUME	100
+ #endif
+ static int	bell_freq = BELL_FREQ;		/* frequency */
+ static int	bell_length = BELL_LENGTH;	/* duration */
+ static int	bell_volume = BELL_VOLUME;	/* volume */
+ #endif

  /* For polled kbd mode */
  static int	polledkey;
Index: obio/asc.c
RCS file: /home/cvs-base/src/sys/arch/mac68k/obio/asc.c,v
retrieving revision
diff -c -r1.1.1.8 asc.c
*** obio/asc.c	1999/07/09 14:24:24
--- obio/asc.c	1999/12/25 19:09:30
*** 95,104 ****
  int	asc_debug = 0;		/* non-zero enables debugging output */

! static u_int8_t		asc_wave_tab[0x800];

- static int	asc_ring_bell __P((void *, int, int, int));
- static void	asc_stop_bell __P((void *));
  #if __notyet__
  static void	asc_intr_enable __P((void));
  static void	asc_intr __P((void *));
--- 95,103 ----
  int	asc_debug = 0;		/* non-zero enables debugging output */

! static int    asc_start_bell __P((void *, int, int, int));
! static void   asc_ring_bell __P((void *));

  #if __notyet__
  static void	asc_intr_enable __P((void));
  static void	asc_intr __P((void *));
*** 152,158 ****
  	struct asc_softc *sc = (struct asc_softc *)self;
  	struct obio_attach_args *oa = (struct obio_attach_args *)aux;
  	bus_addr_t addr;
- 	int i;

  	sc->sc_tag = oa->oa_tag;
  	if (oa->oa_addr != (-1))
--- 151,156 ----
*** 167,172 ****
--- 165,172 ----
  	sc->sc_open = 0;
+ #if 0
  	sc->sc_ringing = 0;

  	for (i = 0; i < 256; i++) {	/* up part of wave, four voices? */
*** 181,193 ****
  		asc_wave_tab[i + 1280] = 0x3f - (i / 4);
  		asc_wave_tab[i + 1792] = 0x3f - (i / 4);

- 	printf(": Apple Sound Chip");
  	if (oa->oa_addr != (-1))
  		printf(" at %x", oa->oa_addr);

  	mac68k_set_bell_callback(asc_ring_bell, sc);
  #if __notyet__
  	if (mac68k_machine.aux_interrupts) {
  		intr_establish((int (*)(void *))asc_intr, sc, 5);
--- 181,208 ----
  		asc_wave_tab[i + 1280] = 0x3f - (i / 4);
  		asc_wave_tab[i + 1792] = 0x3f - (i / 4);
+ #else
+ 	sc->sc_duration = 0;
+ 	sc->sc_freq = 0;
+ 	sc->sc_up = 0;
+ 	sc->sc_down = 0;
+ 	sc->sc_phase = 0;
+ 	if (bus_space_read_1(sc->sc_tag, sc->sc_handle, 0x800) & 0xF0)
+ 		printf(": Enhanced Apple Sound Chip");
+ 	else
+ 		printf(": Apple Sound Chip");
+ #endif

  	if (oa->oa_addr != (-1))
  		printf(" at %x", oa->oa_addr);

+ #if 0
  	mac68k_set_bell_callback(asc_ring_bell, sc);
+ #else
+ 	mac68k_set_bell_callback(asc_start_bell, sc);
+ #endif
  #if __notyet__
  	if (mac68k_machine.aux_interrupts) {
  		intr_establish((int (*)(void *))asc_intr, sc, 5);
*** 303,373 ****
  	return (-1);

! static int 
! asc_ring_bell(arg, freq, length, volume)
  	void *arg;
! 	int freq, length, volume;
- 	struct asc_softc *sc = (struct asc_softc *)arg;
- 	unsigned long cfreq;
  	int i;

  	if (!sc)
  		return (ENODEV);
- 	if (sc->sc_ringing == 0) {

! 		bus_space_write_multi_1(sc->sc_tag, sc->sc_handle,
! 		    0, 0, 0x800);
! 		bus_space_write_region_1(sc->sc_tag, sc->sc_handle,
! 		    0, asc_wave_tab, 0x800);
! 		/* Fix this.  Need to find exact ASC sampling freq */
! 		cfreq = 65536 * freq / 466;
! 		/* printf("beep: from %d, %02x %02x %02x %02x\n",
! 		 * cur_beep.freq, (cfreq >> 24) & 0xff, (cfreq >> 16) & 0xff,
! 		 * (cfreq >> 8) & 0xff, (cfreq) & 0xff); */
! 		for (i = 0; i < 8; i++) {
! 			bus_space_write_1(sc->sc_tag, sc->sc_handle,
! 			    0x814 + 8 * i, (cfreq >> 24) & 0xff);
! 			bus_space_write_1(sc->sc_tag, sc->sc_handle,
! 			    0x815 + 8 * i, (cfreq >> 16) & 0xff);
! 			bus_space_write_1(sc->sc_tag, sc->sc_handle,
! 			    0x816 + 8 * i, (cfreq >> 8) & 0xff);
! 			bus_space_write_1(sc->sc_tag, sc->sc_handle,
! 			    0x817 + 8 * i, (cfreq) & 0xff);
! 		}		/* frequency; should put cur_beep.freq in here
! 				 * somewhere. */
! 		bus_space_write_1(sc->sc_tag, sc->sc_handle, 0x807, 3); /* 44 ? */
! 		bus_space_write_1(sc->sc_tag, sc->sc_handle, 0x806,
! 		    255 * volume / 100);
! 		bus_space_write_1(sc->sc_tag, sc->sc_handle, 0x805, 0);
! 		bus_space_write_1(sc->sc_tag, sc->sc_handle, 0x80f, 0);
! 		bus_space_write_1(sc->sc_tag, sc->sc_handle, 0x802, 2); /* sampled */
! 		bus_space_write_1(sc->sc_tag, sc->sc_handle, 0x801, 2); /* enable sampled */
- 	sc->sc_ringing++;
- 	timeout(asc_stop_bell, sc, length);

! 	return (0);

! static void 
! asc_stop_bell(arg)
  	void *arg;
  	struct asc_softc *sc = (struct asc_softc *)arg;
- 	if (!sc)
- 		return;

! 	if (sc->sc_ringing > 1000 || sc->sc_ringing < 0)
! 		panic("bell got out of sync?");
! 	if (--sc->sc_ringing == 0)	/* disable ASC */
  		bus_space_write_1(sc->sc_tag, sc->sc_handle, 0x801, 0);

  #if __notyet__
--- 318,400 ----
  	return (-1);

! static int
! asc_start_bell(arg, freq, length, amplitude)
  	void *arg;
! 	int freq, length, amplitude;
  	int i;
+ 	u_char temp;
+ 	struct asc_softc *sc = (struct asc_softc *)arg;

  	if (!sc)
  		return (ENODEV);

! 	/* if the bell is already ringing, ring longer */
! 	if (sc->sc_duration > 0) {
! 		sc->sc_duration += length;
! 		return(0);

! 	sc->sc_duration = length;
! 	sc->sc_freq = 0x11999999 / freq;
! 	sc->sc_up = 0x80 + (amplitude >> 1);
! 	sc->sc_down = 0x80 - (amplitude >> 1);
! 	sc->sc_phase = 0;
! 	/* prepare the sound buffer */
! 	for (i = 1; i < 740; i+= 2) 
! 		bus_space_write_1(sc->sc_tag, sc->sc_handle, i, amplitude);
! 	/* set the volume to 4 (out of 7) */
! 	bus_space_write_1(sc->sc_tag, sc->sc_handle, 0x806, 4 << 5);
! 	/* setup the ASC registers */
! 	if (bus_space_read_1(sc->sc_tag, sc->sc_handle, 0x801) != 1) {
! 		/* what does this register do? */
! 		bus_space_write_1(sc->sc_tag, sc->sc_handle, 0x807, 0);
! 		/* select mono mode */
! 		bus_space_write_1(sc->sc_tag, sc->sc_handle, 0x802, 0);
! 		/* select sampled sound mode */
! 		bus_space_write_1(sc->sc_tag, sc->sc_handle, 0x801, 1);
! 		/* what does this register do? */
! 		temp = bus_space_read_1(sc->sc_tag, sc->sc_handle, 0x803);
! 		temp |= 0x80;
! 		bus_space_write_1(sc->sc_tag, sc->sc_handle, 0x803, temp);
! 		temp = bus_space_read_1(sc->sc_tag, sc->sc_handle, 0x803);
! 		temp &= 0x7F;
! 		bus_space_write_1(sc->sc_tag, sc->sc_handle, 0x803, temp);
! 	} 
! 	timeout(asc_ring_bell, sc, 1);
! 	return(0);

! static void
! asc_ring_bell(arg)
  	void *arg;
+ 	int i, count;
  	struct asc_softc *sc = (struct asc_softc *)arg;

! 	if (sc->sc_duration-- > 0) {
! 		count = 370;
! 		if (sc->sc_phase == 0)
! 			count = 498;
! 		for (i = 0; i <= count; i++) {
! 			sc->sc_phase += sc->sc_freq;
! 			if (sc->sc_phase & 0x00800000) 
! 				bus_space_write_1(sc->sc_tag, sc->sc_handle,
! 						  0, sc->sc_down);
! 			else
! 				bus_space_write_1(sc->sc_tag, sc->sc_handle,
! 						  0, sc->sc_up);
! 		}
! 		timeout(asc_ring_bell, sc, 1);
! 	} else 
  		bus_space_write_1(sc->sc_tag, sc->sc_handle, 0x801, 0);
+ 	return;

  #if __notyet__
Index: obio/ascvar.h
RCS file: /home/cvs-base/src/sys/arch/mac68k/obio/ascvar.h,v
retrieving revision
diff -c -r1.1.1.1 ascvar.h
*** obio/ascvar.h	1998/05/03 23:35:54
--- obio/ascvar.h	1999/12/25 19:09:30
*** 33,39 ****
  	bus_space_tag_t		sc_tag;
  	bus_space_handle_t	sc_handle;
  	int			sc_open;
! 	int			sc_ringing;

  int	ascopen __P((dev_t dev, int flag, int mode, struct proc *p));
--- 33,45 ----
  	bus_space_tag_t		sc_tag;
  	bus_space_handle_t	sc_handle;
  	int			sc_open;
! 	/* console bell state */
! 	int			sc_up;		/* up part of the wave */
! 	int			sc_down;	/* down part of the wave */
! 	int			sc_duration;	/* tone duration */
! 	int			sc_freq;	/* wave frequency */
! 	int			sc_phase;	/* current position in wave */

  int	ascopen __P((dev_t dev, int flag, int mode, struct proc *p));
State-Changed-From-To: open->analyzed 
State-Changed-By: scottr 
State-Changed-When: Tue Dec 5 13:02:45 PST 2000 
As I mentioned to Colin Wood (the originator of this patch) some time ago, 
I am uncomfortable with the implications of relying so heavily on 
interrupts.  This may be less of a problem with the interrupt changes that 
Allen made this past June.  Clearly more thought and discussion is going 
to be necessary before this patch (or something like it) is integrated 
into the tree. 

Responsible-Changed-From-To: port-mac68k-maintainer->scottr 
Responsible-Changed-By: scottr 
Responsible-Changed-When: Tue Dec 5 13:02:45 PST 2000 
Responsible-Changed-From-To: scottr->port-mac68k-maintainer
Responsible-Changed-When: Sat, 02 Mar 2013 10:14:48 +0000
Assign PR to default owner.

Responsible-Changed-From-To: port-mac68k-maintainer->nat
Responsible-Changed-When: Sun, 12 Nov 2023 06:43:27 +0000
I'll handle this


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