Summary of Problem Reports Assigned to "minskim"
Automatically generated on 25 Jan 2025 15:00:00 GMT
Sorted by Category, Severity, and Priority.
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- pkg/36224
- [open high priority sw-bug] net/ns
- pkg/50889
- [open medium priority sw-bug] xelatex fails TeX memory capacity exceeded
- pkg/44182
- [open medium priority sw-bug] pdftex fails due to largefile/endian issues on big endian machines (patch included)
- pkg/45858
- [open medium priority sw-bug] editors/emacs fails to build
- pkg/49159
- [open medium priority sw-bug] print/luatex fails to configure (doesn't find zziplib)) on Mac OS X
- pkg/48527
- [open low priority sw-bug] xdvik build fails on case-insensitive filesystem
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