Summary of Problem Reports Assigned to "adam"
Automatically generated on 3 Oct 2024 23:00:00 GMT
Sorted by Category, Severity, and Priority.
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- pkg/48381
- [open high priority change-request] net/vtun had security improvements revoked
- pkg/51432
- [open high priority sw-bug] net/net-snmp doesn't run on evbarm
- pkg/54083
- [open medium priority sw-bug] gimp build fails due to gegl segfault
- pkg/54084
- [open medium priority sw-bug] graphics/cinepaint build fails
- pkg/43444
- [open high priority sw-bug] databases/db4 configure failure on netbsd-4@sparc
- pkg/45333
- [open medium priority change-request] Startup script for www/c-icap is missing.
- pkg/47365
- [open medium priority sw-bug] pkgsrc/mail/dovecot2-pigeonhole needs libiconv
- pkg/53413
- [open medium priority sw-bug] wine-devel build fails on i386-current and amd64-current (8.99.*)
- pkg/53582
- [open medium priority sw-bug] databases/openldap-server failing files-check
- pkg/54991
- [open medium priority sw-bug] Cannot compile PostgreSQL 11 on -current with dtrace option
- pkg/57667
- [open medium priority sw-bug] graphics/ImageMagick can't convert certain jpegs
- pkg/40461
- [open medium priority sw-bug] build run-time search paths in qt4-libs
- pkg/48216
- [open low priority sw-bug] libarchive fails to
- pkg/53290
- [open low priority sw-bug] snmptrapd's rc file doesn't remove pidfile on stop
- pkg/56639
- [open low priority sw-bug] graphics/netpbm requires REPLACE_SH for Solaris
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